Terms and conditions
Terms and conditions
The website of Arenso Oy is the property of Arenso Oy.
The website has been created to serve the stakeholders of Arenso Oy. All information in Arenso Oy’s website is provided “as is”. Arenso Oy is not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided on the website or the information contained in links to other external websites. The information on the website may be quoted, in accordance with proper usage, to the extent necessary for the purpose. Arenso Oy takes no responsibility for any damage suffered as a result of using the information published on the website.
Arenso Oy reserves the right to update or take down the website at any time without prior notice.
Information on cookies is provided on our website (arenso.fi):
We may use cookies and collect certain information automatically (excluding personal data) to improve the usability of our website (cookies are text files that your browser saves on your computer when you visit a website). We use cookies to ensure the proper functioning of our website. We do not use cookies to collect or store identifiable personal information. You can disable cookies by modifying your browser settings. Please note that if you disable cookies, you may be unable to access certain features on our website. If you want to know more about the cookies used on our website, please contact Arenso Oy.
Data protection
Arenso Oy
Business ID: 3434185-8
P.O.Box 305, 28601 PORI
Street address: Lautantekijäntie 60, 28880 PORI
Arsoen’s privacy policy abides by the Finnish laws and regulations regarding privacy and by the EU General Data Protection Regulation.
Contact person at Arenso responsible for the register and privacy policy
Executive Assistant Tanja Kivi, tanja.kivi(at)arenso.fi
The name of the data register
Arenso Oy’s stakeholder register.
The purposes of the data register
The information collected is used for sales and customer relationship management, for handling the obligations stated in the agreements, for communicating with stakeholders and for Arenso’s various business interests. The information is used solely for the purpose for which it has been collected.
The content of the data register
The register holds information about various stakeholders of Arenso. These include, e.g., existing and potential customers, partners, shareholders, board of directors, landowners, public officials, media contacts. The register includes the following information:
- name of the contact person
- title
- organisation
- address
- e-mail address
- phone number.
The register may also include other information related to the contact person and their organisation, such as agreement details, property information, bank account numbers and information related to communications.
Data retention time
Personal data shall be retained as long as it is deemed necessary to fulfill the purposes listed in chapter The purposes of the data register.
Collecting personal data
Personal data is primarily collected from the data subjects themselves, e.g., by e-mail, web page forms, phone and in meeting and events. Personal data is also collected by means of marketing activities and from web pages, public records and information services.
Regular disclosures of data
The data controller has the right to use partners, and transfer personal data to the partners (e.g. city officials and representatives of municipalities) in accordance with the data security contract when is it necessary to carry out the purposes described in this document.
Disclosure or transfer of data outside the EU or the EEA
No data is transferred outside the EU or the EEA.
Automatic decision making and profiling
Automated individual decisions and profiling shall not be made.
The principles of register protection
Access to personal data is restricted to those who need the information in order to carry out their work duties. The personal data in electronic format has been protected by reasonable technical means generally accepted in the industry, such as firewalls and passwords. Personal data stored in other than electronic format is stored in locked premises accessible only to those whose work duties include handling personal data.
The rights of the data subject
The data subject has the right to check the information that is stored in the register about them. The data subject also has the right to demand the removal of their personal data from the register or demand the rectification of inaccurate, outdated or unnecessary personal data. Additionally, the data subject has the rights detailed in the EU General Data Protection Regulation.
Any requests to see or correct the personal data in the register must be sent in writing to Arenso Oy’s data privacy contact person. For information security reasons, the data subject shall be required to show a proof of identity.
Further information
For further information, please turn to Arenso’s data privacy contact person viestinta@arenso.fi.