
Published 09.01.2024

Suomen Hyötytuuli starts production test phase in Oosinselkä wind farm

Suomen Hyötytuuli will increase its production capacity by 93 megawatts by taking into production its ninth wind farm. The Oosinselkä wind farm has now entered the production test phase and will be taken into use during the winter.

The Oosinselkä wind farm, located near Pori on the western coast of Finland, consists of fifteen 6,2-megawatt wind turbines, delivered by Vestas Wind Systems. The wind farm was constructed during 2022 and 2023.

In December, Suomen Hyötytuuli also started production test phase at the Alajoki-Peuralinna wind farm in Ostrobothnia, Finland. Oosinselkä and Alajoki-Peuralinna wind farms bring a significant increase to Suomen Hyötytuuli’s portfolio, nearly doubling the company’s production capacity. Construction work at the Siikajoki wind farm continues until the end of 2024. At the completion of these projects, Suomen Hyötytuuli’s total capacity will amount to 650 megawatts and the annual production exceeds 1900 gigawatt hours. The company also has several projects in the development phase, including the Tahkoluoto offshore wind farm Extension project.

Oosinselkä wind farm in Suomen Hyötytuuli image bank

Press release: Production test phase at the Alajoki-Peuralinna wind farm

For further information:

Project Director Harri Suutari, tel. +358 400 633 597, harri.suutari(at)
Energy Business Development Director Jaakko Kleemola, tel. +358 40 593 8227, jaakko.kleemola(at)

Suomen Hyötytuuli Oy is a Finnish renewable energy production company and a pioneer in offshore wind power. It is owned by eight city energy companies in Finland. The company has seven wind farms in operation and three under construction. It develops, plans and builds wind farms and operates them through its partner network.